Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Your wish is my comand!

So, my dear Trenton and I are playing the genie game. Basically, he gets 3 last wishes before we part forever. And they been fun. Really fun. We've been hanging out more- ok, really we're back to a normal hang out level, but we didn't see each other for a while there- because of wish #1. And I had a blast with wish #2- finding a big bag of all green M&M's. That was definatley good times for everyone involved! So now I'm just waiting for wish #3.

And he's thought of it.

He just won't tell me what is is.

And that totally freaks me out! Because it can be ANYTHING! And i have to give it to him!
And by have to, I totally mean want to.

So, I had a dream. And now I know what he should ask for, even though it may not be what he had planned.

I dreamed that he asked me to grow a mustache.
And i was frustrated, because I didn't know how! But he basically just laughed and told me I could do it. So, me being the genious I am, decided to grow my hair out really long. And then i braided it, and stuck it on top of my lip. I asked trenton if that would work, but no, he wanted a full handle bar moustache.
No problem! I'm a genie, I can do it!
So, I cut a couple inches off of my uber brais, and fashioned it into s gorgeous handle bar moustache, and super glued that bad boy to my face.
And Trent got his third wish, and was happy.

Thought I should let you all know in case you see me sometime in the near future and I've got a big moustache.

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